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Creighton Community Public Schools


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December 2023 Minutes

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Creighton Community School District No. 13 was held on December 14, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library.


Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Knox County News, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication attached to the minutes.  Notice was also posted at the City Offices, front door of the high school, and front door of the elementary school.


Notice of the meeting was simultaneously sent to all the members and a copy of their acknowledgment and receipt of notice and agenda is attached to these minutes.  The availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice as was the notice to the members of this meeting.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was opened to the attendance of the public.  The agenda for the meeting is attached and incorporated into these minutes.


President Fanta called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  He announced that the Open Meeting Laws Act Poster was displayed on the wall at the entrance.


Members present: Greg Kuhlman, Erik Burns, Duane Fanta, Josh Key, Dixie Hanefeldt, and Amy Borgmann. 


Others Present:  Superintendent Weber, Principal Nilson, Secretary Hoffman, and district patron.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Hanefeldt moved to move the agenda.  Seconded by Key.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried. 


There was no public comment.



  1.  Superintendent Weber shared that Creighton’s district score in AQUeSTT scoring increased from a “2-good” to “3-great” since last year.  Christine Eisenhauer was hired as the new school nurse.  He attended the state education conference and a special education conference in the last few weeks.  CHS has received a $10,000 grant for the nutrition fund and one to replace the sound system in the gym.  He also completed a spending and disbursement analysis for the last eight years. 
  2. Principal Nilson reported that the middle school science teachers are continuing to look into a new science curriculum.  Football classifications came out and we will be D2 for the next two years.  Teachers worked with ESU 1 staff reviewing Cognia surveys for school improvement during the November workday.
  3. There was no president’s report.
  4. There were no committee reports.
  5. There was no correspondence.


The consent agenda consisted of the monthly financial report, bills, November minutes, and approval of the sale of district owned items consisting of a table saw and milk cooler.  Burns asked to pull out the Burn’s Lumber bill.  Kuhlman moved to approve the consent agenda pulling out the Burn’s Lumber bill.  Seconded by Key.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.   Kuhlman moved to approve the Burn’s Lumber bill.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  5-0-1.  Burns abstained.  Motion Carried.


Discussion/Action Items:   

  1. Superintendent Weber shared additional information that had been requested on adding an elementary principal.  Key moved to approve the addition of a full time P-6 principal starting with the 2024-2025 school year.  Seconded by Hanefeldt.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.
  2. Board President Fanta had met with Superintendent Weber to review his evaluation.  The board approved the evaluation.
  3. Both a split position contract and a strictly superintendent contract were posted on our webpage for the superintendent transparency act.  Fanta moved to approve the proposed superintendent contract of option two effective on July 1st, 2024.  Seconded by Burns.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.
  4. The negotiations committee and CTA have reached an agreement.  The base will increase $1,500 and the retirement incentive notification date was moved to December 15.  Kuhlman moved to accept the proposed 2024-2025 certified agreement.  Seconded by Key.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.
  5. The committee met in November to discuss continuing the junior high football cooperative with Bloomfield.    Surveys were sent out to the parents of 4th-9th grade boys to get their input.  Projected participation numbers for Creighton for the next several years were shared.  Information was also sought from our junior high football coaches.  Burns moved to end the current junior high football cooperative with Bloomfield Community Schools effective immediately.  Seconded by Hanefeldt.  RCV:  Key – yes, Kuhlman – no, Borgmann – yes, Burns – yes, Fanta – yes, Hanefeldt – yes.  5-1.  Motion Carried. 
  6. Superintendent Weber reviewed the financial statements from the audit.  The net cash balance was up this year compared to last year.  Burns moved to approve the 2022-2023 district audit.  Seconded by Kuhlman.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.
  7. Superintendent Weber gathered a couple more quotes for bus cameras.  He felt that the best one would be the fisheye camera because it would give the best coverage.  Other options are one from Amazon or a set of four cameras.  After some discussion, Borgmann moved to approve trying option 1, the fisheye camera, on a bus for $2,255.  Seconded by Burns.  RCV:  Fanta – yes, Hanefeldt – yes, Key – no, Kuhlman – yes, Borgmann – yes, Burns – yes.  5-1.  Motion Carried.
  8. Kuhlman moved to accept the retirement letter from Janet Naprstek, effective at the end of the current school year.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  The board thanks her for her service.
  9. Kuhlman moved to attend Key’s registration at the Legislative Issue’s conference in Lincoln January 21-22.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.


At 8:06 p.m., Burns moved to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, January 8, at 7:00 p.m. in the high school library.