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Creighton Community Public Schools


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July 2024 Minutes

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Creighton Community School District No. 13 was held on July 8, 2024,
at 12:00 p.m. in the High School Library.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Knox County News, as shown by the Affidavit
of Publication attached to the minutes.  Notice was also posted at the City Offices, front door of the high school, and
front door of the elementary school.
Notice of the meeting was simultaneously sent to all the members and a copy of their acknowledgment and receipt of
notice and agenda is attached to these minutes.  The availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice
as was the notice to the members of this meeting.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened
meeting was opened to the attendance of the public.  The agenda for the meeting is attached and incorporated into
these minutes.
President Fanta called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.  He announced that the Open Meeting Laws Act Poster was
displayed on the wall at the entrance.
Members present: Greg Kuhlman, Erik Burns, Duane Fanta, Amy Borgmann, Dixie Hanefeldt and Josh Key
Others Present:  Superintendent Weber, Secretary Hoffman, and district patron
The Parental Involvement Hearing was opened. Policy 5018 (Parent and Guardian Involvement in Education Practices)
was available for review. The policy was reviewed by a parent with no changes requested. After no comment, the
hearing was closed.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Kuhlman moved to move the agenda.  Seconded by Borgmann. RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried. 
John Thomson spoke during public comment.
A. Superintendent Weber shared that we completed a federal desk audit with wonderful remarks. The new boiler
will be installed July 9. Summer projects are moving right along.
B. Principal Nilson shared that the new science curriculum has arrived and that the School Improvement Team will
meet again in August to prepare for the review this fall.
C. There was no president’s report.
D. There were no committee reports.
E. Thank yous were read from Autumn Key and Karlie Jueden for the McDowell Trust Scholarship.
The consent agenda consisted of the monthly financial report, bills, and June minutes. Burns moved to approve the
consent agenda with the Burn’s Lumber bill pulled out. Seconded by Kuhlman. RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried. Kuhlman
moved to pay the Burn’s Lumber bill. Seconded by Key. RCV: 5-0. Burns abstained. Motion Carried.
Discussion/Action Items:   
A. Fanta opened up the student fees hearing to the public. After no comments, the hearing was closed.
Kuhlman moved to approve the Student Fees Policy (5045) as presented. Seconded by Hanefeldt. RCV: 6-0.
Motion Carried.
B. Superintendent Weber shared a comparison of area sub pay. Burns moved to approve substitute teacher
pay for the 24-25 school year at $135 per day and $145 per day for 10+ consecutive days for the same
teacher. Seconded by Borgmann. RCV: 5-0. Hanefeldt abstained. Motion Carried.
C. Burns moved to approve the 2024-2025 Student handbook as presented. Seconded by Hanefeldt. RCV: 6-0.
Motion Carried.
D. Borgmann moved to approve the 2024-2025 Staff Handbook as presented. Seconded by Hanefeldt. RCV: 6-
0. Motion Carried.

E. Burns moved to approve the 2024-2025 Activities Handbook. Seconded by Kuhlman. RCV: 6-0. Motion
F. Our insurance company requires us to have an updated Roofing Maintenance and Inspection Plan.
Guarantee Roofing is the only company that was willing to do this as they do several schools in the area.
They will provide inspections, maintenance, and having a plan will extend the roof warranty. Key moved to
approve the Guarantee Roofing Maintenance and Inspection agreement as presented. Seconded by Fanta.
RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried.
G. Superintendent Weber discussed the districts property tax request authority for the upcoming school year.
When we get closer to the end of the fiscal year the board will discuss the topic again.
H. The budget workshop will be held on August 27 at 7:00 p.m. The budget hearing will be held on September
9 at 6:45 and the tax request hearing will be on September 9 at 6:50.
I. There are no board members registering for conferences this month.
At 12:59 p.m., Borgmann moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Burns. RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried. The next
regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school

Jennifer Hoffman, Secretary