Creighton FFA Chapter Kicks Some Dirt Up at State FFA
By Tatym Tauber
Creighton’s FFA Chapter attended the 96th annual Nebraska State FFA Convention. Some students left the morning of Wednesday April 3. The rest of the qualifying students left after school that Wednesday. The chapter competed in multiple events, attended sessions, and toured some pretty awesome places.
Deric Sayers was selected to sing in the state FFA choir and did an amazing job! In state ag technology and mechanics, Chris Shefl (White Ribbon), Carter Condon (Red Ribbon), Charlie Rohrer, and Layne Ebel (White Ribbon) all competed Wednesday and put in an amazing effort! For State Farm And Agribusiness Management, Jessica Hoffman (Blue Ribbon), Olivia Kuhlman (Blue Ribbon), Candace Pint (Blue Ribbon), and Taylor Nilson (Red Ribbon) all competed Wednesday as well! As a whole they placed 14th. Fantastic job to all who competed Wednesday!
On Thursday, April 4th, the food science team woke up very early in the morning to compete. The team included Jersey Tiedtke (Blue Ribbon), Candace Pint (Red Ribbon), Mia Dartman, and Autumn Key. Autumn placed 9th overall! The food science team placed 4th at state.
The Agronomy team which includes Ethan Kuhl, Calvin Wilmes, Owen Doerr/Issac Hoffman, and Ben Johnson. Unfortunately, Owen Doerr was sick, so Issac Hoffman stepped in as an alternate for the boys. They all competed very well! The agriscience team also competed on Thursday. The team consisted of Tatym Tauber, Teegan Burns, Cristen Moeller, and Aspen Fulton.
Friday April 5th, the senior livestock judging team competed, which included Taylor Nilson, Jorgan Condon, Chris Shefl, and Isaac Fanta. Congratulations on qualifying and competing at state boys! The Creighton FFA chapter also received the Connecting Chapters Recognition Award! That is all for students who participated in the 96th Annual State FFA Convention. Great job everyone!
Some fun things the State FFA Chapter did besides competing included, touring the National Guard and Beauty View Dairy Farm. The National Guard tour consisted of learning about certain jobs around the site. The students got to tour a helicopter and even climb in it, got to hold the guns that are used, and toured the mechanics areas such as welding and wood work spots. At the Beauty View Dairy Farm, students got to see how this farm milked cows and many other things. On Wednesday evening, the chapter attended the opening session for the week. They got to hear from an amazing speaker that night. The next morning on Thursday, they attended the second session of the week. There they got to watch their fellow chapter member Deric Sayers sing many tunes and songs! Alayna Jueden walked across the stage and received the chapter’s award for Connecting Chapters Recognition award! Kennedie Hammer and Brooke Fanta came along and photographed some amazing pictures for the 2023-2024 yearbook and slideshow!
Overall, it was an amazing experience and week for the Creighton FFA Chapter. Special shoutout to Mrs. Doerr and Mrs. Siecke for supervising and making this week so safe and special for all the students. And another shout out to Rick Wilmes for driving all the students down to Lincoln and back! We appreciate you all!